copyright © I.S.P.E.F. Via Comparetti, 55a - 00137 Roma (IT) fax.  tel. +39.06.8275589 info@ispef .it COD. FISC. 97143880587  P.IVA 10964511009
I.S.P.E.F. no profit society Training Institute certificated by Italian Ministry of Educational, University and Scientific Reserch D.M. 177/2000 Istitute of Psychological Sciences of Education and Training Planning, Reserch and Certificafication for Training
con Prot. N. 161/13808 del 06/06/2013                           Prot. N. 162/13808 del 06/06/2013
Institutional  Credits
The I. S.P.E.F. and E.C.E. are accredited as research institutions since are registered on Registry of National Researches of Italy of MIUR (Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research)
PRIORITY: SOCIETAL CHALLENGES Europe in a changing world - Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies AREAS -   Social Sciences & Humanities -   Society
ispef,formazione,riicerca,certificazione,fausto,presutti,associazione,no profit,qualità,master,alta mazione,dirigenti,aggiornamento,scuola