copyright © I.S.P.E.F. Via Comparetti, 55a - 00137 Roma (IT) fax.  tel. +39.06.8275589 info@ispef .it COD. FISC. 97143880587  P.IVA 10964511009
I.S.P.E.F. no profit society Training Institute certificated by Italian Ministry of Educational, University and Scientific Reserch D.M. 177/2000 Istitute of Psychological Sciences of Education and Training Planning, Reserch and Certificafication for Training
ISPEF makes projects and training paths for educators of infancy houses and teachers of infancy schools. It realizes educational laborathories for children and families. It gives in addition, scolastics counselings for the realization of training paths , experimentation, innovative projects, laborathories, valuation and selfvaluation of educational services, elaboration of the POF.
ispef,formazione,riicerca,certificazione,fausto,presutti,associazione,no profit,qualità,master,alta mazione,dirigenti,aggiornamento,scuola