Istitute of Psychological Sciences of Educational and Training  Project, Reserch and Certificafication for Training
I.S.P.E.F. Associazione no profit Ente accreditato dal Ministero  Istruzione,   Università e Ricerca d’Italia  D.M. 177/2000
copyright © I.S.P.E.F. Via Comparetti, 55a - 00137 Roma (IT) tel. +39.06.86890061  fax +39.06.8275589 info@ispef .it COD. FISC. 97143880587  P.IVA 10964511009
The achievement of the I.S.P.E.F. Certification allows to be enrolled in the “I.S.P.E.F. ROLL” This register is available at National and International level as: - an identification of certification of skills acquired by those who have obtained the title; - a research tool, available to anyone who needs a qualified staff  in education, psychology and the human sciences areas to bring into his own organization.         PROFESSIONAL ROLLS:  QUALITY AREA  UNIVERSITY TEACHING AREA SCHOOL EDUCATION AREA  INFANCY EDUCATION AREA  PSYCHOLOGY AND HUMAN SCIENCES AREA 
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